I need a Help to improve performances replication procedure.
This is scenario of my infrastructure:
two ESXi 7.0.1 with 2 NIC 1Gb 2 NIC 10Gb
Two NAS Storage with 2 NIC 1Gb, 2 NIC 10Gb
Two Switch with 8 port 1 Gb, 4 port 10Gb
My idea was to have:
1Gb network for Management and VM network
10Gb network for Vmotion, Storage and Replication
I have connected, all devices, one port 1Gb to Switch A and other 1Gb port to switch B, the same has been done for port 10Gb to create ridondances.
vSphere Server is connected to 1 Gb Networks.
With this configuration the Replication working but I have poor performances.
I have verified that we have a bottleneck with the Gateway because all traffic pass from network 1 Gb to network 10 Gb Utilized for write.
I have verified that vSphere Server can have a second NIC but it’s only for HA and doesn’t works as management and I can't use this to connect Replication Server to vSphere Server on the 10Gb networks.
The question is: to have good replications performances is I need to move all the management networks on 10Gb Networks or There are other configuration can I apply and I can keep the management on 1Gb Networks?
Thanks for your support