does not support Intel VT-x
Hi All, I am trying to run 64-bit Linux server on VMware.But getting error: this host does not support Intel VT-x. Please check the attachment for system details and exact error. Any...
View ArticleNetwork settings
Hi! I've a vcenter cluster with 3 hosts and I need to correct my network setups I think... Our setup1 vSwitch (VM network, vMotion, Management)4 NICs VM network - Active = nic0, nic2, nic3. Unused =...
View ArticleUnable to Install vCenter Server 5.1 on Windows 8
Check Compatibility with windows 8 . Is it supported or not ?
View Articleразвалившийся диск vmdk
Доброго дня! Восстановил Датастор после сбоя и Получил на одной машине ошибку загрузки диска сбой хранилки произошел во время удаления всех снапшотовпосмотрел структуру и вижу кучу неубранного и диск...
View ArticleRecovery console RDS Server / ESXI
Hellothe vmware Infrastructure was update to 4.1 from 5.0 and since I have a big problem on my RDS servers farmInfrasctructure:Virtual servers in ESXI5.0 (full update) with40 VM which my 3 virtual...
View ArticleFedora 18 (64 bits) not booting on VMware 8
Hi all,I have the following problem :I have installed Fedora 18 (64 bits) on my VMware Workstation 8.0.1 build 528992 , but I am getting the following error :then the following one :Note that I have...
View ArticleOpening office attachment via Internet Explorer
Customer wants to open an excel attachment via web browser with a Thinapp that uses an Excel addin. Anyone know if that can be done? thanksPaul
View ArticleRunning workflow not getting updated configuration element attribute value
I have added an attribute called "maintenanceMode" . At the beginning of a workflow launch I look up the value of this (it is a boolean) and if it is set to true the workflow sleeps for 5 minutes then...
View ArticleV center - linked mode or new datacenter
We have 3 sites. Each site has esxi 5.0 servers and a san for virtual machines. The 2 original sites are managed by 1 vcenter. Our new site has it's own vcenter. Should i put them in linked mode or...
View ArticleDisks need consolidation and active snapshot?
hi guys I have a virtual machine that is telling in a warning that "Virtual Machine Disks consolidation is needed" but also VM has an active snapshot a prettu old one by the way. so what should I do...
View ArticlevCenter Orchestrator
Доброго времени суток.Конфигурация: Виртуальная машина на хосте esxi 5.1 с win srv 2012Установил SSO, inventory и vcentre с помощью simple install.При попытке открыть админку vCenter Orchestrator по...
View ArticleNimble CS220-X4 vs Netapp 2220 with SSD
Given the 2 above options for a 500 seat Vmware View environment with Windows 7 as the preferred guest OS, which option do you choose and why?
View ArticleVmware converter standalone 5.0.1 низкая скорость миграциии вируальных машин
Скорость миграции виртуальных машин по сети 1 Gb прыгает скорость до 10 мб/с но это же смешно для гигабитной сети такая малая скорость передачи тестил дискову подсистему скорость нормал кто...
View Articlevm su esxi vm player su pc
Ciao a tutti, intanto scusate se il discorso è gia stato trattato, ho fatto una ricerchina ma non ho trovato nulla in merito, espogo il problema:su un serverino ho esxi 5 con una vm win xp in lan ho...
View ArticleMigracion en caliente
Hola amigos, Actualmente tenog un servidor dedicado con 2tb de discos duros y 8gb de ram, se me esta quedando pequeño y ademas quiero revender servidores virtuales.Me quiero pasar a uno nuevo con 4tb...
View ArticleScript to export virtual disk information in a specific format
Hello all, First too all of the scripters who I have borrowed code from on here, thank you! Now, I've been able to get all of the information I want out of vCenter but I am having issues with two of...
View ArticleSuddenly getting email notifications for discussions I've never visited!
I suspect this is a Forum software bug, but I'm suddenly getting email notifications for activity on random forum discussion threads I've never visited. When I go to the discussions, in the Actions...
View ArticleCondivisione spazio disco
Salve a tutti,Una domanda forse banale, ma vorrei la vostra opinione.Ho un'installazione ESXi 5.0 con 2,5 TB di data store.Ho 2 macchine installate, una Terminal Server 2003 e un controllore di dominio...
View ArticleESXI 4.1 Memoria Compartida
Hola amigos, Tengo un lio con lo de la memoria compartida que no me entiendo ni yo! Me he leido manuales y tuturiales sobre la memoria de esxi pero no hay manera.Resulta que tengo un servidor con 8gb...
View ArticleESXi 5.1 - Failed to power on VM.
when i tried o power on my vshiled manager virtual machine i had this error SharedArea: Unable to find 'testSharedAreaPtr' in SHARED_PER_VM_VMX area.some one can help me to resolvethanks
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