Looking for some clarifications on StartProgramInGuest API.
I am trying to do this?
Created a powershell script which downloads puppet agent msi file and installs using msiexec
$process = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait -PassThru
I was able to upload the powershell script to guest and execute the script using StartProgramInGuest. Only part of powershell script was getting executed. Which is download part got executed and I was able to see the downloaded msi file in the guest. But above powershell code which is to istall msi was never executed. But when I execute the same powershell script manually every thing is fine.
I could try running msiexec directly using StartProgramInGuest.
But basic question StartProgramInGuest can be used for this kind of software install process?
Is there any limitations in using StartProgramInGuest? I mean functionality wise we can do only certain things?
Appreciate any feedback on this
EMC Corporation