Hi Everyone,
Very starnge error appear when i trigger create or update action for Host Profiles on my newly upgraded Vcenter server.
But let's start from the begining.I had Vcenter server 4.1 and 3 ESX hosts 4.1u3 with latest pathes,i had also Vmview Server with several workstations.So i started the upgrade procedure from Vmview server and the stations,than i migrate Vcenter Server machine after that using VMUpgate manager i upgraded the hosts from ESX 4.1 to ESXi 5.1.After the upgrade of the first of my Hosts to the latest version i Create succesfully Host Profile from it with the idea after upgrading the rest of my host to apply the Profile to them.So i upgraded the other host and after i check their comlpiance and try to apply it in Maintenance Mode the Host Profile just won't apply the needed reconfigurations for the host,the host profile compliance stays in Non-compliant state.
After that i decided to upgrade the host firmwares (BIOS,Nics,IDrac e.t.c).Than i try again to update the Host profile and reaplied to all host,but this seems to be impossible,it starts to appear this "AGeneral system Error" - "Argument of type "NoneType" is not iterable".
Now i'm stuck,i'm not sure what causes this strange problem,and why it appear after the firmware upgrade of the servers (however i'm not sure that are related).I search the internet for similar problem but i found nothing!!??
Any advice will be appriciated.
10x in advance
Seee attachments for more details,a could provide any logs necessary if needed.
Best regards