I have a small question.
A "low budget" isolated system of a SAN and 2 ESX hosts.
The SAN is DELL MD3200i and has 4 ethernet/iscsi NICs.
The hosts have each 6 NICs.
I was assuming I could connect the hosts to the SAN directly (each host with 2 direct connection to the SAN).
But now I am starting doubting about SAN paths and vMotion.
Because, I thought that a SAN path contained the MAC-address of the destination NIC, and if I do vMotion to the other host, that host will be connected to another NIC of the SAN.
Will this work?
I know this is not a "best practices" situation but I have to know if I need to order additional switches or not.
Since the material has not arrived yet I cannot test this.
Can someone give me advise?