Hi all,
New to posting here. Having a real issue with Late Model Windows OSes (like 7, 2008 R2, 2012) where I can NOT have more than two VM's with network connectivity. Meaning if I have two guests running, say both 2008 R2, and I bring up another 2008 R2 guest, one of them, at random will get knocked off the network to a status of "unidentified network" and will no longer be pingable nor can I RDP to it nor can it get out to anywhere (internet or even my domain).
I am running VM WS 9.0.2 build-1031769
The guests are all using bridged networking. I even went into the Virtual Network Editor, created a VMNet Adapter specifically for Bridged Networking and forced all of the guests to use that Bridged Connection, but the issue persists. I can't have more than two Late Model Windows OSes running at once. The third one will cause one of the others (or itself) to lose network connection.
I have a co-worker with VMWare Workstation 8, and he has no such issues. So i think this is a Version 9 issue.
Has anyone had a similar issue? If so, and you've found a solution, any info would be great.