Could I get some healp, please. So I will like to install 1node, 2 nodes and 3 nodes openstack on my laptop. My Laptop configuration is: Core 2 Duo 2,24 GHz RaM 4 GB SSD 250 GB Win 7 x64.
To create my virtaul machines, like ubunut and esex server I use vmware, and then when I want them to use in vShpere I just convert them by VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client.
1 Node installation:
1.I install all components of OpenStack (OS) on my virtual Ubuntu server. 2. I run esexi on my wokrstation 3. Connect to esexi by vSphere 4. Add my OS on Ubunut server from first step
2 Node instalation:
- I install controler componets of OS on my node 1(ubunut server 12.04) and compute compoents on my node 2 (ubunut server 12.04, x64).
- I run just one esexi on my workstation
- Connect to esexi by vpshere
- Add my node 1 and node 2
But this isnt workign, shuld I use two esexi runs at the same time, oeach on his workstation. Or what shuld I do?3 Node installation:
- I install Controle components on node 1, compute on node 2 and network components od node 3.
- I run just one esexi on my workstation.
- Connect to esexi by vSphere
- Add my node 1, node 2 and node 3
But this isn't work either, shuld I use vCenter, I think thaht I have read somwhere that vSphere is only connected at one with one Esexi.
But when you want to install vCenter you can install it only in vSphere, I thoght that vCenter is like vShere but it can runs more esexi.
I don't know how to make second and third installation to work? Shuld I use vSpher or vCenter, how to cinfigre all of these? All of these instalation should work like that all nodes can see other nodes and to communicate betwen.
So I am trying to run simulatin of three pyhisical server on my poor laptop with win 7.