I had the problem that under LINUX the Virtual Machine didn´t get more than 80mb/sec read/write, so I read somewhere that with the command:
esxcli system module set --enabled=false --module=vmw_ahci
This issue should be solved.. far away from that, it gave me more troubles than solutions.. ESXi boots up and is responsive but for less than a minute then ESXi server becomes unresponsive.
I can SSH but every command that I execute gets stuck, so when I try to read the log (cat /var/log/vmkernel.log) the Putty session becomes unresponsive and I can´t do anything.
I also tried to re-enable the module with:
esxcli system module set --enabled=true --module=vmw_ahci
After that I execute reboot command but does nothing, the only way is to use reboot -n -f, but even with the force flag, esxi hangs up and doesn't reboot.
Any help please? I have the server 40 miles from home and I don't want to travel, maybe I am missing something
Thanks people