I'm attempting to list the RSS setting for each vmnic on each ESXi host from a list of vCenters.
I'm able to list the vCenter, nic and RSS settings but can't list each ESXi host so I can easily review all the vCenters, ESXi Hosts, vmnicX and RSS settings.
Could someone please help me with identifying a way to capture the ESXi host?
Thank you.
#Connect to the multiple vCenter servers. Ignore certificate errors
Write-Host"Connecting to vCenters"-ForegroundColor Cyan
$VIServers=Get-Content-Path C:\temp\vcenters.txt
$VIServer=Connect-VIServer$VIServer-Credential $c -warningaction 0
Write-Host"Connected to $VIServer"-ForegroundColor Cyan
#List the RSS setting for each host in vCenter
$esxcli=Get-EsxCli-V2 -VMHost $VMHost
$esxcli.network.nic.queue.loadbalancer.list.Invoke()| Select NIC,RSS,@{N="ESXi Host";E="$VMHost"},@{N="VCenterServer";E={$VIServer}}| FT
$esxcli.network.nic.queue.loadbalancer.list.Invoke()| Select NIC,RSS,@{N="ESXi Host";E="$VMHost"},@{N="VCenterServer";E={$VIServer}}|Export-Csv-Path $ExportFilePath-Append -NoTypeInformation
#Export results to file
Export-Csv -Path $ExportFilePath-Append -NoTypeInformation
# Disconnect from vCenter
Write-Host"Disconnected from $VIServer"-ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host"RSS Info located at $ExportFilePath"-ForegroundColor Magenta