I am breaking my head of figuring out on how to configure my Edge VM Nodes.
Currently i have a cluster made of three (3) ESXi with two pnics. As this is a POC i want to use only one pnic for Overlay and Edge Uplink connecivity.
I already configured the next:
- Two transport zones (VLAN and Overlay)
- One uplink profile with an MTU of 1600 with a Transport VLAN configured for Overlay.
- The ESXi hosts are only part of the Overlay Transport Zone and my Edge VM Nodes are on both Transport Zones.
- I have created two Edge VM Nodes, using the default "edge-one-nic-profile" and with two N-VDS. One is part of the Overlay Transport Zone, connected to a VSS Portgroup with a VLAN Tagged and also is receiving IPs using the same IP Pool of the ESXi hosts and the other N-VDS is part of the VLAN Transport Zone and is connected to a VSS Portgroups with a VLAN Tagged.
I am pretty sure i am doing a bad configuration between the VSS Portgroups and the N-VDS.
I only want to use one pnic for all the settings.
I have many questions:
- Is it possible to only use one Uplink N-VDS
- Is it possible to connect the N-VDS to a VSS Portgroup?
- Is it possible to connect the Edge VM Nodes and ESXi Nodes to a single pnic and have the logical switches provisiones on another pnic?