I have a MBP that just had the RAM go bad causing kernel panics ("You need to restart"), and because the RAM is soldered it cannot be replaced, so I am replacing the entire MBP with a used, identical MBP. (The RAM has gone bad 2x in 2 years on the Old and it is not being repaired again, it is being scrapped.) This is a Mid 2015 MBP Retina model btw. And the version of Fusion is current, it was installed 29 days ago.
Here is my plan for migrating so far: I can put the old laptop in "target disk mode" and use a thunderbolt cable between the New MBP and the Old MBP to boot up the new laptop using the old laptop's drive (and this bypasses the bad RAM.) Then I will go in and see what kind of mess was made to Fusion/Windows when the Old crashed, by booting it up. Once I get Fusion/Windows back up and running, I can then close it down correctly.
This is where I start to get a little confused. I can start up the New laptop in recovery mode and using the thunderbolt cable again I can "restore" to the New using the Old drive. But my question is, does this transfer Fusion and Windows and all of its components, all my Windows programs and documents, etc? Should I update the New laptop to the current version of Mojave (the version I was running on the Old) before I attempt this, or is this process going to do so automatically? (Ironically the "New" (to me) used MBP will come running an older version, Sierra I believe, whereas I had updated the Old to Mojave this month.) Are there any other steps that I will have to take besides using the Old disk to recover to the New MBP? Do I have to do anything specifically in Fusion before I attempt any of this?
There are no backups of the Old btw, it never wanted to play nice with my Airport Time Capsule and I hadn't had a chance to figure out why, I'm just lucky the drive didn't crash and it was the RAM instead.