We have a network with about 25 PCOIP devices, these are a mix of Samsung NC240's and eVGA PD06.
Randomly, about twice a week all logged in VM's disconnect without warning and won't reconnect for about 20 mins on the Teradici devices. BUT, the VM's are still live and in session if I use a Horizon View client from a windows desktop, I can connect to any of the dropped connections and the session is still in progress, ie. I pickup where the user was dropped.
The View Administrator setting for Forcibly Disconnect is set to Never.
I initially suspected bad network switches (since the sessions were live but the desktop hardware had disconnected) but I have eliminated that as a possibility since I can still ping printers but not any of the PCOIP desktops.
Had anyone experienced anything similar? Or have any idea on trouble shooting and/or resolution would be appreciated.