From VMware VMware Knowledge Base , open-vm-tools-desktop supports files drag_and_drop between Host and Guest. But partial success.
1. Host bare metal machine installs a RHEL7.5 and installs a Linux VMware Workstation Pro 15.0.4.
2. Create a VM with RHEL7.6 in this VMware Workstaion, enable its "drag and drop" and "copy and paste".
3. Boot this VM successfully.
4. Drag a file from a Host folder to Guest VM desktop, it works well.
5. Plan to drag a file from a Guest folder to Host desktop, but it fails.
6. From /tmp/VMwareDnD in Host, has built the fCQf65 folder, it is link to /home/tester1/.cache/vmware/drag_and_drop/fCQf65. It is null.
7. NO idea to find somewhere stores useful log.