Hi all,
apologies for what may potentilaly be a very silly question, i have just purchased workstation pro, and i am hoping to use this as a test environment, for my upcoming project of migrating all my servers from 2008 to 2016.
i want to be able to copy my DC, SQL and a client machine for example from my prodcution network into worksation so i can test the upgrades etc before making the change in live, what is the best way to get the VM's from my production environment into workstation pro.
if i set up host only network can all my VM's within worksation communicate with each other as well as along with the hos or do i need something different?
to be able to use vcenter in workstation player to manage the machines do i need to have an esxi host built within workstation?
does any body have a guide to building a sand box in workstion that will allow me to achive the above. the laptop i am using is 16gb RAM, i7 2TB SSD.
Thanks in advance and apolgies for the simplistic natture of this discussion.