may anyone have/had same issue.
i had 6.0 U3 latest vcenter and hosts.
and i converted some vm's from Hyper-V to Vmware Side.
i then upgraded vcenter to 6.7 U3.
since then i'am not able to convert anymore.
--> (converter.fault.CloneFault) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> description = "converter.fault.SSLVerificationFault",
--> msg = ""
--> }
i tried
- Re/installed Agent on Client Side
- Re/installed Converter on Server
i don't understand why that SSLVerificationFault happens. i also tried to convert directly to esxi 6.0. getting kinda user/password error. but user and pass is right.
only working way in moment is to convert through UNC path and then to import to vCenter.
any thoughts what that could be and how to solve it? as Converter seems long time not maintained.