Hi, guys.
I have a question about how the system installed in VMware Workstation gets the system time?
The background is that I do some test with a USB camera in the Ubuntu 16.04 and it is installed in the VMware Workstation. My computer is a ThinkPad with Win10. I need to use the system function just like ftime() or gettimeofday() to get the time stamp when I catch the images. But I meet a problem when I get the images it will cut the data and does't catch the images.
I use the SDK (from the camera company) to get the image raw data. When this error comes, It gives me a tips that please do not use the virtual machine. But before I add the time stamp getting functions, it never comes with this error.
I wander whether it is about the system time getting. Besides, I want to learn how it get the system time.
Thank you