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Get-View VM Report for Backup Team


I have gone horribly wrong somewhere in my report.  I am now only getting an output with the following type information:




This is my script which is probably not the best way to do this but was trying to improve performance from roughly 4 hours to hopefully minutes.



$Date = get-date

$Datefile = ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss')

$oldverbose = $VerbosePreference

$VerbosePreference = "continue"


# Variable to change

$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

$CreateCSV= "yes"

$GridView = "yes"

$HTML = "yes"

$DisplayHTMLOnScreen = "no"

$EmailHTML = "yes"

$SendEmail = "yes"

$FileHTML = New-Item -type file "C:\Report\Missing_Backups_$datefile.html"

$FileCSV = New-Item -type file "C:\Reports\Missing_Backups_$datefile.csv"



$username = "administrator@vsphere.local"

$password = cat "C:\Scripts\admin-securestring.txt" | convertto-securestring

$creds = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `

         -argumentlist $username, $password


#Text to the HTML file

Function Create-HTMLTable



$arrHTML = $Array | ConvertTo-Html

$arrHTML[-1] = $arrHTML[-1].ToString().Replace(‘</body></html>’,"")

Return $arrHTML[5..2000]



$output = @()

$output += ‘<html><head></head><body>’

$output +=



$output += ‘<H1>[2019 - Weekly Report - / Missing VM Backups Report</H1>’

$output += ‘<H2>Date and time</H2>’,$date


Write-Verbose "Connecting to vCenter Servers"



Import-Module VMware.PowerCLI


#Connect to vCenter

    Connect-VIServer "VCENTER1" -Credential $creds -WarningAction SilentlyContinue



Write-Verbose "Gathering VM statistics"


$report = @()

$report += Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{'Runtime.PowerState'='poweredOn'}

Select Name,


        $parent = Get-View -Id $_.Parent -Property Name,Parent

        while($parent -isnot [VMware.Vim.Datacenter] -and $parent){

            $parent = Get-View -Id $parent.Parent -Property Name,Parent






        $parent = Get-View -Id $_.ResourcePool

        while($parent -isnot [VMware.Vim.ClusterComputeResource] -and $parent){

        $parent = Get-View -Id $parent.Parent -Property Name,Parent





       @{N="Networker Policy";E={$viewThisVM = $_; ($viewThisVM.CustomValue | ?{$_.Key -eq ($viewThisVM.AvailableField | ?{$_.Name -eq "Last EMC vProxy Backup"}).Key}).Value}},


        function Get-Snap{




             $snap.ChildSnapshotList | %{

                 Get-Snap -Snap $_




         $script:snaps = $_.Snapshot.RootSnapshotList | %{

             Get-Snap -Snap $_


         ($script:snaps | sort-Object -property Name).Name -join '|'}},

    @{N='SnapShot Created';E={($script:snaps | sort-Object -property Name).CreateTime  -join '|'}},

    @{N="Days Old";E={ (New-TimeSpan -End (Get-Date) -Start $script:snaps.CreateTime).Days}}



if ($GridView -eq "yes") {

$report | Out-GridView }


if ($CreateCSV -eq "yes") {

$report | Export-Csv $FileCSV -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture }


if ($HTML -eq "yes") {

$output += ‘<p>’

$output += ‘<H2>Weekly Report - / Missing VM Backups Report</H2>’

$output += ‘<p>’

$output += Create-HTMLTable

$output += ‘</p>’

$output += ‘</body></html>’

$output | Out-File $FileHTML }


if ($DisplayHTMLOnScreen -eq "yes") {

ii $FileHTML}


#mail CSV

if ($SendEmail -eq "yes") {

$filename = "C:\Reports\Missing_Backups_$datefile.csv"

$smtpServer = "smtp.davisvision.com"

$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage

$att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($filename)

$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)

$msg.From = "vCenter@abc.com"


$msg.Subject = "Weekly Report - / Missing VM Backups Report CSV - $Date"

$msg.Body = "Enjoy your weekly vCenter Missing VM Backups Report."





#mail HTML

if ($EmailHTML -eq "yes") {

$filename = "C:\Report\Missing_Backups_$datefile.html"

$smtpServer = "smtp.davisvision.com"

$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage

$att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($filename)

$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)

$msg.From = "vCenter@abc.com"


$msg.Subject = "Weekly Report - / Missing VM Backups Report HTML - $Date"

$msg.Body = "Enjoy your weekly vCenter Missing VM Backups Report."





$VerbosePreference = $oldverbose

Disconnect-V -Server * -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false

Clear-Variable -Name * -Force

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