Hey all,
As you probably know, when deploying VCF with Cloud Builder NSX-V deploys controllers and installs vRLI on the VLAN backed portgroup during bring up. My assumption is that the networking architecture under the covers that should be used is the VVD architecture to allow for multi-region futures. However, when deploying vRSLCM, VCF only asks for a VLAN and creates a VLAN backed portgroup during deployment and configuration. So a few questions hopefully you can help answer for me:
1. In the VVD architecture, vRSLCM is put on the cross region VXLAN so that it can perform a site failure. I've tried editing the portgroup post deployment but it fails during vRLI import.
2. I've deployed ESGs and UDLRs in the typical VVD fashion but am concerned about how the rest of the workflows will tie into the architecture (vROps and vRA).
3. In a multi-region scenario, are we saying that there will be a SDDC manager at both sites?